The Cheesiry Says Farewell

17 Nov The Cheesiry Says Farewell

With heavy hearts we announce that this is The Cheesiry’s final season. I never thought this day would come when I first started. Full of energy and ideas, I felt all would go on forever.

But life changes. The realisation of the amount of work milking sheep and making cheese takes, having a young family and the fact this is also a farm with previous enterprises makes balance of life difficult.

We will continue to sell our products for as long as we have them. I estimate the cheese inventory will last until next summer. Our farm store will be open throughout winter into summer like it typically is and our retailers and restaurants will continue to carry product as well. We will of course continue to be at the Old Strathcona Farmers Market.

I constantly hear from people that they have ben meaning to make it out to our place - we hope you take the opportunity to try the cheese before it is gone!

We are truly grateful for the support we have had over the years. We enjoyed producing our products and are very thankful for the staff over the years that have contributed their time and energy.

A special thanks goes to my in-laws and husband for taking a chance on an idea. A thank you to my long time co-worker Tara for taking the time to learn a great deal and contribute so much to the operation.

We are selliing the equipment and sheep. If you’d like a few milking sheep for your place let us know. They really are sweet animals and usually have 2-3 babies. They’re great for milk, meat and wool.

What will I do once the cheese is gone? Spend quality time with my little ones and family, get the house in order, spend time in places without rushing to get back to The Cheesiry. I plan to keep a few sheep to make cheese for ourselves - I cant imagine giving everything up cold turkey. Then who knows what my next inspiration will be. I truly encourage people to follow their ideas or dreams. You have a lifetime to try different things and if one thing doesn’t work out there’s something exciting waiting around the corner for you if you choose to take a look.

I look forward to seeing you over the coming months,


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