Milking is done for the season - No More Ewegurt

20 Oct Milking is done for the season - No More Ewegurt

Our milking season has come to an end! It is a bittersweet feeling as it’s sad to no longer be getting fresh milk, getting nibbled on by the sheep as they wait to get milked and making cheese.

At the same time its nice to get to sleep in and slow down for the winter season.

We will not have any more Ewegurt as we need the fresh milk to make it.

Going into the winter season we will go back to winter hours starting November: Thursday, Friday 3-6 and Saturday 9-noon. We will have extended hours in December. We’ll let you know those closer to the date.

We will have the following products going into November:

La Bianca



Once we are out of the Bianca and Fresco we will have only the Pecorino.

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