27 Aug U-picks
Want to pick your own bouquet of flowers from our gardens? You can do it with our pick your own events. Check them out in the Events section of the website....
Want to pick your own bouquet of flowers from our gardens? You can do it with our pick your own events. Check them out in the Events section of the website....
Due to thefts in the recent weeks, we are closing the fridge until further notice. Thank you so much for supporting our small farm business!...
Come spend an evening with us and Little Birdy Pottery. Exercise your creativity by picking your own bouquet from our flower gardens and arranging it on-farm in a beautiful hand made vase from Little Birdy Pottery. Aug 10 Details in our events section space is limited so get...
Our honour fridge is open for the season! We will have a variety of cheese and local products that will change throughout the summer. Our fridge is white and outside our store door. Bring cash or I accept e-transfer. If you are hoping for a specific cheese,...
Get in the know! Want to join us for one of our awesome events this summer? Click here to join our mailing list when upcoming event details are finalized...
It 's been a chilly, windy start to spring here on the farm. Flowers have been seeded for the upcoming flower season and the lambing is almost complete. It has been a bountiful lamb year! All of the births so far have been triplets and...